Last week Eldon went to first grade and it was fine but really really hard. After all I was going to home school him this year until I realized it wasn't a good plan for our family.
We all experienced a full school day without him for the first time and I think it was the biggest shocker to Vera June. They are the best pals on earth. Slowly the idea of preschool didn't seem so bad to Vera June as she realized her brother wouldn't be around all day long. Today was orientation and she was 100% on board. I was so proud. She sat down at the table in each room as her teachers shared information about the school day with parents. Busying herself with all of the fun materials they had laid out for the class. Loving it. And then when it was time to go she raced right out to the play ground in the rain. She didn't want to leave.
So here I am with my last week day of childcare. Procrastinating, reflecting, and flat out stumped at this bittersweet milestone we have come to. I will not say anymore regarding my feelings, because I have to edit weddings all afternoon. I do that best when my eyes aren't watery!
I just want to thank our faithful blog reader Robyn, for encouraging me to share family stories and pictures again. It has been a long while. My excuse- Instagram. I am aware that while taking pictures with our iPhones is fun and easy it does not cover all the bases. SO you will be seeing a little more of the Sherrells again.
Happy Wednesday!

oh man, Tabitha. great post! I have the BEST ideas, it seems! ;)
I seriously cannot believe these shots. That one in the kitchen with the spoon all silly. How in the what?!? How do you DO that? Just such a cool angle and light and all.
Thanks for posting these. I love seeing great everyday shots to encourage me and inspire and me in my own photo journey and man, oh, man. These are just gorgeous. might be because Vera June is SUCH a cutie pie! Glad orientation went so well!
and the winky face CRACKS me up.
Stunningly adorable and heart warming...but then, I am her Grandma....(big smile).
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