Introducing the newest Sherrell member..."Charlie". He is El's new kitten, and we are so excited to have a pet that he can actually pet :) Lucy never warmed up to him. She is pretty upset about Charlie too. C'est La Vie

We have been having some fun with Play Dough too. This lobster was Larry's creation...
Cats are so much fun. He looks like a rascal.
Dennis- He is a rascal... the cat can get pretty feisty too!!! (LOL) Thanks for visiting the blog!
Too cute! Kittens are so fun!
I think your brave! Sam keeps asking for a puppy...I can't even imagine something else to take care of! Love the first pick of Eldon and Charlie!
Cute, he looks just like our Emmitt when he was a kitten, but Emmitt will not go within ten feet of Ollie and Will.
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